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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Documenting and Sharing Greenland Pictures

Ok so crunch time is here for the trip. I needed to make some decisions on how I am going to document my trip. Originally I was just going to bring my Canon SD300 and call it a day, but after tons of other people going "What!!!!????" I decided to get a camera specifically for the trip. After talking with two of my buddies that just happen to work for Canon Lance and Dirk, (we were trainers together there lol) I decided on purchasing a new Canon SX100 IS. It has a 10x optical zoom and still slips into the pocket. A slight bonus in the case of the sheer amount of videos I make have to take is that it is also a decent video recorder.

The next thing I needed to figure out is how to show everyone back here in the states my images/videos semi-real-time. After some soul searching I decided on working with Flickr. The cool thing is that I can geotag my images and then post directly this blog. I am going to take a long a portable GPS to get the Lats and Longs and just take a picture of the readings while I am in the field and then add them manually when I upload. I got the process from a MAKE blog. I guess you will see how it works out though I think I may still throw some Twitter in there some how.



Anonymous said...

Here's another idea for you, and I'm pretty sure the school would buy off on the idea as it's more accurate and could be used again and again: A GISTEQ Photo Trackr Lite. It's a GPS unit that logs your location constantly, up to 22 hours on a single AA battery, then uses software to tag your images automatically once you sync up the time on the GPS unit and the camera, and automatically uploads them to Flickr with the Map data already attached. It would be a real time saver. You can get one online for $89 plus shipping.

Anonymous said...

Dude, your quest to geotag images cheaply has inspired me. Check it out.