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Thursday, June 14, 2007

I gotta stop worrying

ever since we bought the house it seems like I can't stop worrying about things. What needs to be bought, what needs to be unpacked, if Sony's mom will be OK, if my mom will be OK. It is just crazy. My head is swirling with all these things to the point I can't focus on any one task. My stomach is giving me problems, I have almost a constant headache and I can't just relax. Even WoW can't seem to chill me out. This weekend I have decided to to have some fun. The Mid-Atlantic Anime Con is this weekend and I plan to geek it up to just chill out. I really wish Sony would come but she has to work--and she thinks I am a geek but none the less I will press on. I hope this helps chill me out a bit.

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