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Friday, January 11, 2008

Ok so the Brainwashing took lol

After all the hoopla and things and the conference I have to admit that I have found personal solace in the fact that this business can actually work. I have my plan and I am going to work that sucker. I'm starting out with a Home Expo that I am going to have on the 20th. I have invited everyone that is in driving distance of my house. I have also been calling friends and family to tell them about what I am doing and inviting them to join me. Honestly if this thing works I dont want anyone to say I didn't give them the opportunity to take this journey with me. I was so hard to call those first couple people but it is getting better. To quote my up line, my "belief level" is growing. Sony and I had a few issues that we had to sit down and iron out about the business. She isn't completely on board but she isn't preventing me so it is so on. Wish me luck guys and of course if you want some info, shoot me a line or two.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whatever it is, Je'aime....just please tell me it isn't another one of those pyramid schemes......or male prostitution. lol.