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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the the day!

Well it has been a long ride but the day is finally here. By the end of today sans any craziness we will have a new president elect. Of course I am pulling for Obabma but either way history will be made in that a minority will either hold the highest seat in the land or co-seat lol. It is a historic day I just hope everyone will stay sane today. The catch with all this change coming is that emotions are so high that I am honestly scared for peoples lives. I just saw on the news that the polling lines are rapped around buildings in the rain. As great a civic action as this is I just see a recipe for trouble. I keep thinking about that person who doesnt know you arent allowed to wear political parafanelia (except in Virgnia Beach lol) coming into the polls with a t-shirt on with their prescribed canidate getting rejected from the polling place and then tempers flairing. I just really hope people keep their cool and allow this day to happen peacefully.

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