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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

iPhone Contest

So I am rolling up to VA listening to Mac Break Weekly. I knew it was going to be all about the iPhone that I can't have for a while when I hear Scott Bourne drop a plug for his Apple Phone Show web site ( He let out the news that he was going to attempt to purchase 12 iPhones on release day for testing, breakdown and (drum roll please) a conest. Holy mother of Steve Jobs I was all over it. A chance for my broke asphalt to get a free iPhone. Now I could tell you what I have to do to participate in the contest, but quite honestly I don't want you to do it, becasue I want that phone lol. So Scott, please for the love of all things holy please give me that phone. I tell ya what, I will give you my three (3) Commodore 64's , one (1) Commadore 128, a TRS 80, and a TI-99A with the rare peripheral upgrade back pack for one of those phones. I mean come on man I am desperate. I have no problems providing photos to prove I am serious. Please man, help a desperate geek out!!!

With Love

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