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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mrs. Cross

Ok guys this one is a hard one for me to talk about but I need to get this out. Two weeks ago now my mother in-law past very suddenly. Though it was due to cancer, it wasn't supposed to be that bad according to the doctors. Yes it has been hard for my wife and I. Sony and Ma were very close. I mean they called each other at least once a day if not more to just see how each other was doing. I had never experienced that type of parental relationship until I met my wife. It was truly an amazing thing to see and be apart of. But here is what I wanted to say.

Many of you don't know that my father was a bit crazy. Ok he wasn't playing with a full deck when it came to relationships and emotions. He dealt in anger mainly. Back in my first senior year of college I hit a personal low. I actually wanted to stay out of school for a semester to get my head together. Dont get me wrong. I had a full time job, good grades and all. I just needed a semester to breathe. Well when I told my folks...cross that, when I told my mom she ran down stairs and told my dad and dad promptly said "get your shit and get out of my house." That is right folks I was kicked out of the house because I wanted to take a semester off from college. Not that I was a bad son or wasn't working or selling drugs or getting girls pregnant. Oh no...because I wanted to take one f-ing semester off.

To say the least my entire life was thrown up in the air. I didn't know what to do or where to go. Just imagine that. The security blanket of your parents and your home reject you. That is a big pill to swallow. One I still have problems with to this day sometimes. Well that night Mrs. Cross actually took me in.

I don't want you to think of this in a little way. I was the boyfriend of her daughter. Mrs. Cross was also a very devout Jehovahs Witness. Here comes this "worldly boy" as she would say, and she took me in. (She did call her dad first to see what he thought (she was almost 50 and she called her dad for his opinion...hmm that is a special woman)). The fact that she helped me always meant so much to me. I was very fortunate to get the opportunity the night before she passed to let her know that. It wasn't that I was expecting her to pass, you could just talk to her like that.

Well Mrs. Cross --Ma, you will be missed, appreciated, respected, and most importantly loved for the rest of my days.


She told me I was "Ok for a worldly boy" and you know what, that is good enough for me.

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