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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Death to my Palm OS Centro

I'm gonna start this one off the proper way: "See what had happened was"-- Seriously the Centro failed me so I had to get rid of it but at the same time I wanted to make sure I gave a bit of input on why I had to let old girl go. To be honest I was trying to find an iPhone like device that I could use on Verizon wireless for the next two years until the iPhone is hopefully every where. Verizon was finally nice enough to drop the unlimited data plans for all smartphones to $29.99 + plan a month (as compared to $79.99 a month + plan). I really didn't want a Windows mobile phone because--well---Microsoft blows and I really haven't heard good things about the Windows Mobile OS in general. So I knew I was immediately limited to Palm OS and Blackberry. I own a Sony TH-55 Clie so I figured why not go with the Centro so I would have more versatility possibly. Well to paraphrase my buddy Dirk "1998 called and wanted their phone back." The OS is just to clunky for today. Don't get me wrong it is blazing fast in the way that Windows 3.1 would be blazing fast on a 2Ghz P4 system. But I still wanted to give the little OS that could a chance so I both purchased and downloaded the following programs and installed one of my old Palm favorites: Warfare Inc. ($29.99 back in the day), The Missing Sync for Palm ($49.99), Facebook for Palm (Free), Mundo IM ($10.00 but I used the free trial), and Opera Mini (Java is no longer supported on Palm but used the last version put out). Well the just plan sucked. To paraphrase Brother Steve "I don't mean that in a little way" lol. It isn't the fault of the device it is the fault of the OS that was designed at a time in which multimedia was not considered to be an integral part programming. Everything was clunky and just did not function as smoothly as a device of this caliber should. Even simple things like entering a date into the calendar was a long drawn out process. Simple things like going back to the previous screen was unavailable. There wasn't even a version of Google Apps for the Palm so I couldn't sync my calendars except through a backassward way of subscribing to my calendar RSS through iCal and praying it would sync over.

After much soul searching and realizing that I would be stuck with the Centro for to long hard years of my life I had to give the puppy back to Verizon and settle for a Blackberry Curve that actually works the way I can deal with until the iPhone leaves AT&T country. So that is my sorted tale of hope dashed. I say a fond farewell to my dear Palm OS and wish it a peaceful burning in the eternal flames of hell.

Much love,

I fat fingered the keyboard all the time....make the body of the phone a centimeter bigger so I can actually type on the bastard without having to grow and shape my freggin finger nails into perfectly formed pointers next time too lol.


Anonymous said...

I need to get a smartphone, so I'm guessing that the Blackberry Curve is a good idea?

Jeaimehp said...

Yep I got the Curve 8830. I love it! I am actually getting my email and messages lol. Seriously it is easy to use, full Facebook compatibility, Google Apps, GPS (well kind of), and an awesome camera. I am all together satisfied with it as a phone. Now the syncing software is a different story. Pocket Sync for Mac sucked much ass. I picked up a copy of the Missing Sync ($49.99) and I have no more woes.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you came around, man. Palm is as dead as... as... well, something that's really really dead. WinMo's Gotten better with time, and isn't too bad these days. And hey, you'll probably get better cell reception than Lance and his new JesusPhone 3G [TM]!