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Monday, August 18, 2008

What in the St. Lucas have you done to my Star Wars!!!???

After a very busy day leading a very busy week I decided to take my last night before classes begin to treat myself to go see Clone Wars. I knew it was animated, I knew it would be a bit different but come is Star Wars right??? Oh hell to the naw!!! The movie centers around this off beat youngling/padiwan. I'm not goign to give any spoilers but I will say it just sucked all the way around. From the story line, to the fight scenes, to the off beat ramblings of the droid army. OMG please do not waste your money on this one if you are an older Star Wars fan it pissed me off big time. Even the theme song was revamped to ultimate suck-a-tood. I will say this though....if you have a kid that wants to imagine that they could become a Jedi one day like in the Dollar Tree fake coloring book novels then take them...they will love it. Old skoolers like me...stay far far away from this film.

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