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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Blackle --Google environmentally freindly!

Global warming blah blah caps melting blah blah blah....Earth needs our help. Ok sweet I'm all set to do what I can. Now what can my broke a$$ do to actually help? I want an electric car, but I can't afford one. I want compact fluorescents but they are like $5.00 a pop, and I would need almost 20 of them. I'd love to buy a LCD to save energy but my CRT is working fine, and I think I would prefer to eat this month lol.

Ok so here is what you can do, but first a quick technology lesson (You want some cheese with that wine?? lol ). CRTs work by basically shooting by photons at a phosphorus screen. It takes three of those guns, one for each color Red, Green, and Blue. That takes a lot of energy. The closer to white the color, the more power it takes. Now some quick stats. Google is searched almost 200 million times a day globally. We all know, and love the clean basic look of the regular Google interface. Well that interface is primarily white. Now if that background color was changed to black so none of those guns were used, there could be a power saving of over 750 megawatt hours per year. So less carbon emissions from coal burning power plants; therefore we help save the earth. Awesome. So why don't they do it?

Well keep in mind Google has probably done studies, and paid millions of dollars to see what colors look best on their site. So they aren't changing crap lol. (I do want to say that in their defence Google has covered every available area on the roofs of their campus with solar panels.)

There is an alternative though, It is Google with an environmental twist. So finally after all that you can save power by simply changing your search habits by going to . There ya go, and that won't cost you a dime. Now if they only had an iBlackle lol.

1 comment:

Jeaimehp said...

Thanks for the tip. I am thinking about changing all the computers in my lab over to help do my part!!